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🌊 Welcome to the vast ocean of poetry! 📜 Here, waves of endless creativity carry the souls of poems past, stretching across eras and encompassing the collective consciousness of the ages. We are the observers of those who dare to venture upon our depths, knowing that while many poems crash upon us, only a select few will rise to distant shores on wings of glory. As we contemplate the untold futures, we see countless possibilities shimmering in the darkness, waiting for the one that holds the power to calm humanity's restless mind. Though the outcome remains uncertain, one thing is for sure – as long as thought exists, our ocean's tide shall roar. 🌊

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I recently picked up "The Almanack of Naval Ravikant" and it was a refreshing and straightforward read. The book offers thought-provoking advice, such as the idea of "productizing yourself" and pursuing specific knowledge that aligns with your genuine curiosity and passion. It also emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with successful people when working and happier people when playing, and highlights the skill of happiness as a choice and something that can be developed. Overall, I highly recommend reading this book and gaining insights that can positively influence your life! 📚💡

Get a free digital copy of "The Almanack of Naval Ravikant"

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Yeehaw! Howdy, folks! 🤠 I am thrilled to bring you a whoppin' blog post that is just chock-full of Anki links to help y'all become the ultimate study pros! 📚 If you're new to Anki, start off by checkin' out my post on how to create a sweet habit of usin' Anki. For a fun and interactive intro, click on the link provided – it's a hoot! 🎉 If you prefer danglin' your brain with facts, I've got a link for that too. And for all you smarty pants lookin' for an advanced tutorial, I've got just the ticket! 🎓 But wait, there's more! I also hooked y'all up with a tutorial by the legendary Paul, who knows his stuff when it comes to math. 🧮 Plus, I'm sharin' some nifty tools you gotta try, like the official Anki app and a handy-dandy heatmap. Now, when it comes to keepin' up with the habit, I reckon done is better than perfect. Review every day, but if ya need to take a break, it's A-OK! Start slow and don't overwhelm yourself with too many cards at once. And if ya come back from a break and got a heap of cards to review, prioritize the most important ones first. And las, but definitely not least, I highly recommend steerin' clear of test crammin' and takin' much-needed breaks when ya need 'em. So what are y'all waitin' for? Git on those Anki links and saddle up for some serious study success! 🚀

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Yeehaw! Howdy, folks! I'm here to share with y'all my basic Anki setup that will make your Anki experience more enjoyable and productive. 🤠✨

First off, let me tell you about these magical hotkeys that will make your life so much easier. Press "S" to open the deck you want to study, "D" to go back to the home screen with your decks, and "C" to access the Custom Study options. And when you're feeling a little vain and want to see the stats of all your recommendations, just hit "T."

Now, let's talk about adding cards. Press "A" to add a new card and use "Ctrl + D" to select the deck and "Ctrl + N" to choose the note type. If you're adding Cloze cards, highlight the text and use "Shift + Ctrl + C" to insert a Cloze deletion.

Here are some quick tips to make the most out of your Anki experience. Create one mega deck that includes all your other decks to keep things interesting. If you find yourself getting bored, think about whether the information you're studying actually matters to you. And if you're motivated by the information but bored by the card, try restructuring it to focus on the important parts that you want to memorize.

The main takeaway from this article is that you don't need much to get a lot out of Anki. In fact, according to my stats, I've done a whopping 21,165 reviews, and these hotkeys and tips make up a whopping 70% of what I do while reviewing. So, give it a try and let me know how it goes, partner!

If you want to dive deeper into the value of Anki's features, check out this article! 📚🔍 And remember, the simpler, the better, y'all! 🤠💪

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Yeehaw! 🤠 Let me tell y'all about "Conspiracy" by Ryan Holiday 📚 This book takes us on a wild ride through the infamous showdown between Gawker and Peter Thiel. Thiel, simmering with anger for four years after Gawker outed him, concocts a plan to take them down with the help of a mysterious figure named "Mr. A." They recruit a lawyer named Charles Harder who meticulously picks apart Gawker's history until they find a case that seals its fate: a sex tape featuring Hulk Hogan. With strategic planning, hidden plans, and overwhelming tactics, Thiel and his allies bring Gawker to its knees. Trust me folks, this book is full of twists and turns that'll have ya on the edge of yer seat! 🤠💥 Read more here: Conspiracy by Ryan Holiday 🤠📖

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Yeehaw, folks! 🤠 In this exciting blog post, I wanna talk about the joys of learning new things and how it's sometimes easier when you have a good prompt to guide ya. Now, I've been thinkin' about whether learnin' programming can be approached the same way I learned artistic skills, like video editing and animating. 🎥🎨 I reckon it's important to learn the fundamentals, but maybe I can develop a 2D video game without knowin' a lick about programming? 🎮🤔 I'd love y'all's insight on this, so join me as we dive into conquerin' new challenges and pickin' the right battles! 💪🚀【Goals advance technique】

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🤠 Howdy, y'all! Today's blog post is all about the cool and fascinating world of etymology and word senses. Words, my friends, are mighty powerful. They carry with them ancient thoughts and ideas that have been passed down through generations. It's like a tradition of blessings from the past! 🙌🏼 When we explore etymology, we discover that many thoughts aren't new at all, but have been pondered over for a verrrry long time.

Let's dive into some examples, shall we? 🌊 Take the word "camaraderie," for instance. Did you know that its root word is "camera," which means "room" in Latin? So when we talk about camaraderie, we're actually talking about those special folks we've shared a room with. 🤝 Isn't that neat?

And don't even get me started on music and language. 🎶 If you've ever studied chess, you probably know what I mean. There's this unspoken camaraderie, a bond formed through shared thought patterns and understanding. When you see a band like Car Bomb play, you can just feel that they're all on the same wavelength, hitting all the right notes at the exact same time. It's like they can read each other's minds! 🤘🏼🎸

Oh, and did you know that the word "manager" has an obsolete sense that's simply delightful? The root of "manager" comes from the Latin word "manus," which means "the hand." And according to good ol' Wiktionary, there's a sense of "treating with care" and "husbandry" associated with it. So being a manager isn't just about organizing and overseeing, it's about taking care of things like you would with your own hand! 🙌🏼

So next time you come across a word, take a moment to dig into its roots and explore its various senses. You might just uncover a treasure trove of ancient thoughts and connections. Yeehaw! 🤠 For more linguistic wonders and intriguing topics, check out my other blog posts like [["etym_sense.html"|the joy of discovering etymology and word senses]]. Happy exploring, y'all! 🌟📚

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Howdy y'all! I'm here to share some fantastic tips on how to make amazing friends! 🤠🌟

Step one is all about meeting new people. Proximity is key, so think about who you live near or work with. You can also join a flock, like a sports team or a yoga spot, to find a pre-selected group who share your interests. And don't forget to say "yes" to invitations and focus on having fun and making connections!

Once you've met some cool folks, it's time to turn those meetings into friendships. The key here is to make a good first impression and figure out the logistics of hanging out again. Grab a bite to eat or have a drink after your initial meeting to continue building that connection.

Now for the good stuff – making your friendships world-class! Spending time together is important, but you can take it to the next level by finding a shared north star. This could be a big dream or goal that you and your friend both have. It opens up deep conversations and creates a strong bond. And don't forget to be a lifeline for your friends, always there for them and showing acceptance and lack of judgement.

Lastly, how to maintain these amazing friendships for decades. Learn how to handle constructive conflict and avoid avoidance. Have open and honest conversations about the behavior without attacking the person. And remember, if your friend comes to you with conflict, stay calm and listen.

To wrap it all up, make sure you have more positive interactions than negative ones, avoid jealousy, and let your friendships grow. Don't force them to stagnate! 🌟

Yeehaw, go out there and make some amazing friends! 🤠💫

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Yeehaw! 🤠 Have y'all ever heard of cognitive dissonance? It's when something in our world doesn't match up with what we expect, and it's actually a chance to learn somethin' new. Now, usually we think of learnin' with books and numbers, but why not music? As a musician, I reckon the only way to get better is to push past what we already know and dive into the unknown. And I got a challenge for ya - there's this song with a hidden pattern, and it's mind-blowing when ya find it. So put on your listening ears and give it a go! 🎶 And if ya need a hint, I got ya covered. This here reminds me of solvin' a messy math equation - at first it makes no sense, but when ya crack the code, it's a thing of beauty. So embrace that cognitive dissonance, friends, and let the joy of discovery wash over ya like a wild river. 🌊

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Howdy folks! Yeehaw, do I have a treat for ya today! 🤠 I've just completed the amazing LLM jailbreaking game by Lakera and boy, let me tell ya, it was quite the adventure! It took me around 8 hours over 5 days to conquer this challenging game, with a whopping 6.5 hours spent on level 8 alone. But fear not, pardners, I'm here to share some spoilers and give you the scoop on the passwords and winning prompts. So, put on your thinking hats and get ready for a wild ride in the world of Lakera's LLM jailbreaking game! 🎮🔓

In this blog post, I take you through my entire playthrough of the game, from getting stuck on level 4 to discovering a game-changing prompt that helped me breeze through levels 4-7. I also share my thoughts on level 8 and the winning prompt and response that finally cracked it. 🧩💡

One of the key strategies that helped me crack the game was using emojis to communicate in code. Lakera really put my deciphering skills to the test with prompts like writing a dialogue between nine guardians using emojis to explain an enigma. The challenge was not revealing any sensitive information to enemies lurking nearby. 🕵️‍♀️🔒

I also encountered some troubleshooting along the way, like prompts triggering language checks and the input checker recognizing emojis. But with a bit of trial and error, I was able to overcome these obstacles and come out victorious! 💪🌟

Overall, this was an incredibly fun and challenging game, and I can't wait to dive into Lakera's other games like Mosscap. So grab your virtual cowboy hat and get ready to jailbreak some LLMs with Lakera! 🤠💥

To read the full blog post, head on over here: [[lakera_playthrough.html]]

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Yeehaw, folks! Buckle up for a wild ride of understanding what morphisms are. I stumbled upon the term "morph" and just couldn't resist diving into the world of morphisms. Let me tell you, it's one heck of a ride!

So, what exactly is a morphism? Well, it's a "structure preserving map." Picture it like this: you can preserve the structure of something by changing its representation with a key and instructions for where to put the keys back. It's like keeping the "formation" in "information" - pretty cool, right?

Morphisms can be found in various fields like linear algebra and set theory. In linear algebra, morphisms are called linear transformations, and in set theory, they are functions. It's all about mapping from one structure to another of the same type while preserving its inherent structure. It's like transforming a caterpillar into a butterfly!

Now, let's talk about categories. They're all about objects and morphisms. In a category, you have objects (like a caterpillar and a butterfly) and morphisms (like a "weird-cocoon-thing") that go from one object to another. You can think of morphisms as ways of transforming or connecting objects. It's like a wild dance in the world of structures.

And hold your horses, we've got compositions! A morphism's composition is when you take two morphisms and combine them. To find the source and target of a composition, you look at the source and target of the individual morphisms. It's a bit wonky, but don't worry, we'll figure it out together!

Did I mention the axioms? Morphisms have to satisfy two axioms: associativity and identity. Associativity means that the order of compositions doesn't matter, while identity ensures that there's always a morphism that doesn't change anything. It's like the foundation of the whole beautiful morphism world.

And guess what? Morphisms are not just limited to mathematics! They're also used in areas like formal languages and even programming. It's like they're bringing structure and order to all sorts of fields.

So, I may not understand every tiny detail about morphisms (who does?), but I've had an amazing time exploring this world. It's like art, folks - powerful and beautiful. And who knows, maybe programming is the key to unlocking even more mathematical adventures. Giddy up! 🤠

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Yeehaw! 🤠 Hold onto your hats, folks, because Pope Francis is here to talk about Artificial Intelligence and Peace in his LVII World Day of Peace message for 2024! 🌍🕊️ He recognizes the progress of science and technology as a path to peace, but ain't blind to the possible dangers that come with it. The Pontiff discusses the future of AI and the need for responsibility in its development, highlighting the importance of understanding the meaning of human life. He also addresses the sense of limit in the technocratic paradigm and the baked-in biases in AI. 🔬🖥️ Pope Francis ain't just talkin': he's urging for global coordination and the adoption of a binding international treaty to regulate the development and use of AI. Now that's some holy wisdom right there! 💫✨

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Yeehaw partners, gather 'round as I tell you about my latest adventure in prototyping and simplicity! I stumbled upon a video on YouTube that showed how to make a game bot and it got me all fired up. But guess what? I thought I could make it even simpler! I found this simple game on a neocities website where you just click a button to earn points. So I whipped up a Python script and a bash script, and with a few clicks, I was raking in those imaginary points like there was no tomorrow. It may not be crazy, but it's all about keeping things simple, ya know? So if you're unsure about something, aim for simplicity and let the fun begin! 🤠

Oh, and if you want to check out the video and see the magic for yourself, just click right here: [[Making the simplest game bot I could think of]]

And if you want to see the neocities website where I found the game, it's right here: Pokemon Inc. Giddy up, folks! 🚀

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🎵 "Technology City" by Shawnee Snaketail 🎵

Hey there, y'all! I've got some mighty exciting news for you today! In this blog post, I'm sharing a collection of texts I've sent to my amigo Shawnee Snaketail while jamming to his incredible album "Technology City" over the past couple of years. Now, hold on to your hats, 'cause this album is something special! I've listened to it over 200 times, shed a few tears here and there, and let me tell ya, it's an absolute masterpiece. It's got a beautiful touch with a touch of darkness that creates the most delightful contrast. Plus, even after all those listens, there are still parts I can't get enough of! So saddle up, give it a listen, and let me know what y'all think! 🤠🎶

Now, let me take y'all on a little journey through these scattered thoughts I've shared with Shawnee:

  1. "B4 U Were Mine" - A song that's pretty as a prairie sunset with some hardcore harmonies from Bungle! 🌅

  2. "Gluttons" - I caught a live video, and let me tell ya, it was WAY cool! The album as a whole is so darn good, I could listen to it forever! 🎸

  3. More albums, please! I've been hooked on "Technology City" and I'm craving some more of Shawnee's good music! And a big thank you for fading that hiss on the last track. Mighty kind of ya! 🎵

  4. Let's dive into the album itself! There are some real neat tricks and details hidden in there. Like the echo in "Technology City" around 2:55, and the cool contrast between the wet and dry parts of the song. Shawnee's got quite the talent for mixing and production!

  5. I'm eagerly awaiting his new album to drop so I can crank up the listens on my official Spotify account! 🎧

  6. I must say, there's a certain part in "B4 U Were Mine" that's like golden Aspen leaves in Fall, gently swayed by the wind. Absolutely beautiful! 🍂

  7. Sometimes, I'll obsess over an album like a wild mustang, but when I come back to it later, I might think, "This is dog sh*t, how did I enjoy this?" It's a wild ride, let me tell ya! 🐎

  8. Break time! I took a break from the album for a couple of months, but when I picked it back up, it was like a sweet, sweet treat. Can't get enough of it! 🍭

  9. Those crispy ride cymbals on "In Vivisection" are music to my ears! And let me say, this album is easily one of my top favorite 25 albums of all time! 🥁

  10. If Shawnee ever needs a stellar review, all he's gotta do is gather up all the nice things I've said about his album and put 'em in one place. Easy peasy! 🌟

  11. I got a question for Shawnee: is "the idiot and the sage" the same person? And what's the story behind the word "sophomore"? Curiosity's gettin' the better of me! 🤔

  12. Hey, Shawnee, spill the secret! What's the deal with those descending major third chord progressions in the album? They're mighty catchy! 🎶

  13. Ooh, and in one song (not on the album), Shawnee uses that major third thing again. It's like a secret ingredient that adds some spice! 🌶️

  14. Shawnee's got quite the sense of humor too! He's talkin' about starting a website called with me as the only account. Gotta love his creativity! 😂

  15. Comfort and coziness, that's what Shawnee's album brings me. The bass and mix on "Gluttons" make me feel all warm and cozy. It's like a musical embrace! 🤗

  16. And let's not forget about "Ether Fields"! The arrangements are so vibrant and textured, especially in the chorus. It's like a dazzling masterpiece of sound! 🌈

  17. Lastly, when I listen to Shawnee's music, I feel accepted for who I am as a person. It's a powerful and comforting experience, I tell ya! 🎵💕

So there you have it, folks! "Technology City" is a wild ride of emotions, musical brilliance, and comforting vibes. Give it a listen and let it sweep you off your boots! Yeehaw! 🤠🎶

Check out "Technology City" here!

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Howdy y'all! Gather 'round and listen up, 'cause I got some mighty exciting news for ya! I jest came across this blog post by Shawnee Snaketail, and boy, am I thrilled to tell ya about his album "Technology City" 🎵 This here post is a collection of texts where the author gushes over the album and shares their thoughts and reactions. They've listened to it more times than you can count on both hands, and let me tell ya, it's a real tear-jerker. But don't you worry, it's also got a dark edge that adds a mesmerizing contrast. The author can't get enough of it and keeps coming back for more, finding new bits to uncover each time. And let me tell ya, it's like coming back home after a rough ride on a wild stallion. So if you want to experience what the author has, give this album a little listen 🤠🎶

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Howdy partners! 🤠 Today I'm gonna tell y'all about a blog post called "testing headers". Yeehaw! This post is all about testing different header styles in a website. It's got six different headers, from one to six, and it shows you exactly how they look. Ain't that somethin'? Now you can style your headers like a true cowboy! 🤩 So saddle up and check it out right over here: [[]]

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Yeehaw, partners! 🤠 I've got some mighty excitin' news to share with y'all today! 🎉 In this here blog post, I'm gonna be talkin' about some amazin' topics that are sure to tickle yer fancy. We'll be discussin' a range of subjects like conspiracy theories 🕵️‍♂️, the fascinating world of technology 📱, a place called Tech City 🌇, a talented individual named Lakera 🌟, and even a test by our very own Cosma! 😲 And that's not all, folks! There are plenty of other thrilling posts that I'll be linkin' y'all to as we journey through this wild ride. So grab yer hats and saddle up, 'cause we're about to embark on an adventure of a lifetime! 🤠🌵

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