2022.10.26 - 15:54 Status: #albumReview Tags:


The following is a collection of texts I relentlessly hurled at my friend Shawnee Snaketail in the course of listening to his album “Technology City” over the course of 2 years or so. This serves as some sort of an album review but also it makes me laugh.

In seriousness, I’ve probably listened to this album well over 200 times and have cried listening to it maybe 9-10 times. It is a truly beautiful piece of work while also keeping a dark edge which provides such a wonderful contrast that I can’t get enough of it. Even though I’ve listened to it so much, there are still parts I haven’t cracked and keeps me coming back for more and somehow retains novelty.

I occasionally realize I haven’t listened to the album for a few weeks and then get to put it on again fresh and new and it’s like having been in rough terrain, to come back home and be welcomed. I hope you enjoy this album anywhere near to what I’ve experienced.

Scattered Thoughts