Posted on: 2023.08.01

Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman

Quotes of interest

Created Thursday 07 November 2019 (My responses to the words are prefixed by “MN:”, I’ve also added updated thoughts after this writing in 2019 prefixed by “Updated:”)

Look up: - Lewis Mumford (looked into how diff technology shape our thoughts, could be interesting), <— Technics and Civilization, - Jonathan Edwards (Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton, and A Treatise Concerning Religous Affections*), [a bunch of preachers, which is kinda interesting to me;] - Georger Whitefield and Charles Finney, - “The Last Hurrah” by Edwin O’Conner, - “The Selling of the President” by Joe McGinnis, - “Experience and Education” by John Dewey,